spencer® Medication Dispenser - Spencer Health Solutions

Elevate outcomes and patient engagement

Meet spencer®

The spencer SmartHub is the world’s first and only easy-to-use, in-home patient support platform that connects medication dispensing, telehealth services, and real-time, actionable patient data.

Bringing spencer® into a patient’s home allows clinical trial researchers, pharmacists, and care teams to improve both patient engagement and medication adherence.

spencer® engages patients

Clinical Trials

spencer supports decentralized and hybrid clinical trials


spencer helps patients start and stay on therapy with confidence

Care Management

spencer supports patients in-home or in residential care facilities

The spencer SmartHub offers an elevated sustained adherence of 97% and greater across multiple disease states and disorders in people with a wide variety of medical conditions.*

* As seen in 2022 Spencer Health Solutions’ commercial pharmaceutical programs and patient populations.
