Fast, easy, and efficient magazine speedloader

Trijent is a small business that has created and produces the patented Mech-loader, a speedloader for 5.56 ammunition on stripper clips loaded into any M4 or AR-15 magazine. Less time loading magazines on the range means more time shooting, easier loading with less hand fatigue means better shooting, and more time practicing and training. The Mech-loader easily loads over 100 rounds a minute and can be used anywhere by anyone. If a magazine fits in your M4/AR-15 then it fits in our speedloader. Change how your spend your time at the range.

Watch the world's best 5.56 magazine speedloader 👇

Pictures of the Team

Man Selling Speedloader
Man Selling Speedloader
Man Selling Speedloader
  • Turn Bull Logo


    TURNBULL is the exclusive source for the Mech-Loader in Europe and Ukraine. Founded by a retired U.S. Army soldier, TURNBULL is a (SDVOSB). The founder backed by a distinguished and multifaceted career, exemplifies the expertise and leadership essential for delivering top-notch services.

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    Educating Indiana State Legislature and Congress on the roles, capabilities, and requirements of the nation's first military force.

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