NIGP Forum: Leadership Summit Health and Safety Information (Current as of August 16th)
NIGP is continuing to monitor the situation with COVID-19 and want to assure you that we are working with our venue partners and are taking measures to ensure a safe and healthy meeting environment.
Anaheim convention center is a GBAC star facility, which is the gold standard of prepared facilities. This means:
- the facility has established cleaning, disinfection, and infectious disease prevention programs to minimize risk of contraction.
- the proper cleaning protocols, disinfecting techniques, and work practices in place to combat biohazards and infectious disease.
- Highly informed cleaning professionals who are trained for outbreak and infectious disease preparation and response.
Regarding air quality and ventilation, the Anaheim Convention Center utilizes one hundred percent (100%) outside air in accordance with ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and CDC (Centers for Disease Control) recommendations for publicly occupied spaces. The ACC maintains a preventative/predictive maintenance program which includes frequent system air surface cleaning and sanitation and utilizes both MERV 8- with zero bypass seals (100% of air through the filter system) and MERV 13 filters in their state of the art dynamically controlled building.
- ACC standard use of both MERV* 8 and MERV* 13 filters.
- ACC implemented modifications to air handling equipment to completely resolve air bypassing filtration and currently one hundred percent (100%) of the air entering the space is forced though the filters.
- No air is recirculated within any areas of the Convention Center.
Anaheim Convention Center also has implemented the following:
- Touchless cash transactions for parking and food stand locations, including cash bars.
- All ATM’s have been removed.
- 30 water bottle fill stations have been installed throughout the facility.
- Installed 153 wall mounted hand sanitizer dispensers, 90 of which are touchless.
- Employees are required to participate in a daily health and wellness certification prior to reporting to work.
- All employees have been instructed to stay at home or go home if not feeling well.
- Employees will wear a face covering when interacting with others and when a minimum distance of six feet cannot be maintained.
- Additional signs have been posted in operational and administrative areas reminding employees about wearing face coverings, using gloves where appropriate, hand washing and appropriate sneezing and coughing protocols.
- All employees have received training regarding coronavirus safety and individuals performing cleaning and housekeeping duties have received additional training regarding cleaning methods, product use and other activities.
Marriott’s “Commitment to Clean” provides a safe environment that aligns with expert protocols for working to defeat COVID-19.
- While at the hotel, fully vaccinated guests are not required to wear face coverings; however we ask that you do wear your face covering while interacting at NIGP Leadership Summit activities (including registration).
- Public areas are being cleaned with increased frequency.
- Air purifying systems are being used.
- Signage will encourage guests to maintain social distancing.
- Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the hotel.
- “Fresh Bites” for room service with contactless delivery.
What is NIGP doing?
- Currently we are not requiring proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or proof of a negative test to participate in the Leadership Summit. We are requiring that all participants wear a face covering while participating in indoor Summit activities, except when eating or drinking.
- All meeting rooms will be set to allow some physical distance between chairs and the exhibit hall will be set with wider aisles, and fewer chairs at tables for lunches.
- Catering staff will be assisting with serving throughout the meeting for all breaks and meal functions. Food service may include covered and/or pre-packaged food items to ensure your safety.
- To reduce contact and crowding at registration, badges will be pre-printed for public procurement professional participants and sponsors and will be available for pickup at the Marriott on Saturday, 9/11 from 11am-5pm.
- Contactless registration for exhibitors using bar codes to print badges beginning on Sunday at the ACC.
- Providing signage throughout the ACC to provide reminders of protective measures.
- Thanks to the generous support from Safeware, attendees will receive a hygiene kit that includes alcohol wipes, sanitizer and two masks.
Participants should pledge to do the following while participating in the Leadership Summit:
- Follow all federal, state and local guidelines while traveling. Know the requirements before you travel.
- Wear a mask at all times while participating in indoor Summit events, except when eating or drinking.
- Be respectful when greeting others and avoid physical touching.
- Keep a safe distance from others.
- Practice healthy behaviors including frequent hand washing or sanitizing, and avoiding sharing items like pens, charges, etc.
- Perform a self-health check prior to arrival and during the event (check for symptoms of illness, ensure you haven’t been in close contact with someone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19).
- Do not attend the meeting if you are feeling ill.
Let’s all do our part to be safe and healthy as we come together to meet in person!