2021 NIGP Forum Exhibitor FAQ's
NIGP Forum 2021 offers a way to connect in whichever format our community wishes to engage, both virtually and/or in-person. With NIGP Forum being one event, expanding into two different formats, suppliers can engage with an even larger audience of procurement officials then any previously held Forum. NIGP Forum 2021 is built to better position our supplier partners and establish deeper and more meaningful relationships with key customers, generate strong leads which ultimately, leads to more sales.
How will the 2021 NIGP Forum be conducted this year?
NIGP’s Forum will be conducted in a whole new way in 2021. The Forum will kick off with an all-virtual experience that is open to public procurement professionals from all stages in their careers. The Forum experience continues with our first-ever Leadership Summit as an in-person event in Anaheim, California September 11-14 and is targeted specifically for public procurement thought leaders who are looking to collaborate, incubate and transform our industry.
What is the Exhibit Hall Schedule?
Expo Move-In
Sunday, September 12 – 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Monday, September 13 – 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Expo Hours
Monday, September 13 – 10:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday, September 14 – 10:45 AM – 1:45 PM
Expo Move-Out
Tuesday, September 14 – 1:45 PM – 6:00 PM
What will we experience as an exhibitor at the virtual Forum experience?
The virtual Forum will include an exhibit hall/resource library. Within this space, exhibitors will showcase their company with a logo listing, and will be able to provide resources, including videos, brochures, PDFs, etc. Attendees can connect with exhibitors via email within the booth listing.
How many and what types of passes will be provided with the purchase of booth space for the virtual Forum Experience?
Exhibitors will receive 5 registrations for the virtual Forum experience. These registrations allow exhibitors to attend all sessions and social events on the schedule. Exhibitor registrations may not be shared with or distributed to procurement professionals.
If I participate in the virtual Forum, can our exhibit personnel attend sessions?
Yes, all registered participants may attend all virtual Forum events. In fact, we encourage your participation so you can easily connect with attendees via chat and live interaction.
What will we experience as an exhibitor at the Forum: Leadership Summit?
The Forum: Leadership Summit is limited to up to 400 senior level practitioners. As an Exhibitor, you have the opportunity to meet face to face with this high-level audience during dedicated show hours. In addition, NIGP is hosting a networking social on Monday evening to allow suppliers and procurement leaders to come together in a casual atmosphere.
How many and what types of passes will be provided with the purchase of booth space for the Forum: Leadership Summit?
Due to the reduced capacity of this in-person event, exhibitors will receive 3 exhibit hall only passes per 10x10 booth. These passes will grant access to the exhibit hall, lunch in the hall and the networking reception on Monday. No full conferences passes will be provided to exhibitors.
Participation in Leadership Summit educational events, plenary sessions and the awards event is limited to public procurement professionals/registrants only due to reduced capacity requirements as recommended by the CDC due to COVID-19. Leadership Summit exhibitors will have access to all exhibit hall activities, including lunches, and a networking reception with procurement attendees on Monday evening.
If I participate as an exhibitor at the Forum: Leadership Summit, may I also participate in the virtual experience?
Discounted virtual booth space is available to all Leadership Summit exhibitors. Please visit our virtual exhibit page for more information on available packages and add ons.
Do I have to purchase exhibit space for both Forum experiences?
No, suppliers have many choices in how to engage with the NIGP audience. Packages are available for participation in just the virtual experience, just the in-person experience, or both. By investing in participation in both experiences, suppliers increase their visibility to a larger audience of procurement officials from across North America.
How do I sign up?
Reserve your in-person Leadership Summit exhibit space*
View available virtual packages and add-on opportunities
*Leadership Summit exhibit space will open to the public May 10th
When will I receive details about how to build my virtual booth?
All exhibitors will receive details on how to build their booth in the early part of the summer. Additional details will be supplied as they become available.
Is NIGP doing anything specifically to encourage attendees to visit the virtual exhibit hall?
NIGP will provide regular reminders throughout the event for attendees to visit the exhibit hall both during the dedicated show hours and schedule event breaks. NIGP will engage in the gamification of the exhibit hall to encourage participants to visit as many booths as possible.
Lead Development- What type of contact info will be given (email, address, or both)? Will NIGP provide attendee job titles?
NIGP will provide email address, physical address, company name and job title for all attendees. Virtual exhibitors will receive the Leadership Summit and Virtual attendee list. Exhibitors who are only participating in the Leadership Summit will only receive the Leadership Summit attendee list.
Will NIGP provide the number of attendees that registered?
Yes, NIGP will provide a full attendee report 1-week before the event, and 1-week after the event with the same contact information provided above.
Will NIGP offer sponsorship and advertising opportunities?
Yes, a full list of the available sponsorship and advertising opportunities is located here: https://www.nigp.org/events/annual-forum-and-products-exposition/forum-sponsorships
Will attendee discount promotional codes be available for exhibitors to send to their customers/prospects?
No, all public procurement professionals must pay to attend the event and receive contact hours for participation. Early registration discounts are available in advance of May 31st.