Streamlined Sessions Offer Vital Content
Take a break from your busy schedule and spend a few hours listening to the latest science in surgical oncology. The SSO 2020 Virtual Meeting will take place on August 17 and 18, beginning at 5:00 pm EDT for approximately three hours each evening.
The SSO 2020 Scientific Program Committee has reworked the program transitioning individual disease-site parallel sessions into virtual forums. Abstracts are organized to highlight common themes and SSO members will share perspectives on the topics discussed. A total of 139 oral abstracts will be presented across the two days in six concurrent virtual meeting rooms. In addition, nine top rated videos and 385+ posters will be available on demand for 30-days post-event.
The SSO 2020 Virtual Meeting will also feature the following invited lecturers: SSO Past President, David L. Bartlett, MD, Peter Pisters, MD, Monica Bertagnolli, MD and John Bell, MD.
For more information on the program schedule, click here.