Non-invasive Live Cell Imaging Made Easy

Phase Holographic Imaging provides an innovative tool that lets you continuously image and monitor your cells directly inside your incubator.

Our HoloMonitor® M4 is a small microscope designed to operate 24/7 inside your normal incubator. Without any labels or stains, it uses digital holography to record your cells in real time. The result is reconstructed 3D images and quantitative data on your cultures, all the way down to single-cell level, collected in a completely non-invasive way.

Key benefits of the HoloMonitor system

Designed to operate directly inside your incubator

HoloMonitor M4 is designed to operate 24/7, directly inside your normal incubator. You can continuously monitor your cells in their natural environment, making sure you don’t miss any important cellular events in your culture.

Non-invasive cell imaging with QPI

HoloMonitor is based on digital holography, a QPI technology that quantitatively images your cells with nothing but low-energy light. You don’t need any additives to the media or labels to visualize your cells.

Gives quantitative data on single-cell level

The HoloMonitor App Suite software reconstructs your cells in 3D, immediately providing you with quantitative information about each cell. More than 30 different morphological parameters are calculated automatically, such as cell area, thickness and volume. Of course, all data can be compiled, exported and analyzed at population level as well.

Powerful and wide application portfolio

The HoloMonitor App Suite software enables kinetic live-cell tracking and analysis of your cells. In addition to detailed single-cell and cell population data, you get visual data in the form of high-quality images and time-lapse videos. Moreover, you can easily re-analyze the imaging results of previous experiments.

Intuitive, easy-to-use software

HoloMonitor is developed with user-friendliness in mind. Place your cell culture vessel onto the microscope and let the intuitive software guide you from the experimental setup to data analysis.

Saves time, money and cells

The HoloMonitor system allows for quick and guided experimental setup and automatically runs the imaging. Furthermore, you can reanalyze experiment data in multiple ways, generating several results from the same cells. This saves you hands-on lab time, money and cells.

Our Products

Unlock the Power of Fluorescence

Meet the new HoloMonitor M4FL

See your cells in a new light!

The PHI Blog


Cell & Gene Meeting on the Med (Rome, April 9-11)

PHI is excited to present at the 2024 Cell & Gene Meeting on the Med! This essential gathering for Europe’s cell and gene therapy experts covers commercialization strategies, regulatory frameworks, and more. Our CSO, Kersti Alm, will showcase PHI’s pioneering QPI technology, highlighting its unique ability to offer enhanced cell quality control in the cell therapy manufacturing process.

RegMIC annual meeting (Charlotte, NC, May 15)

PHI joins the Regenerative Manufacturing Innovation Consortium (RegMIC) annual meeting. This event brings together leaders in regenerative medicine to share advances and opportunities. PHI will advocate for QPI technology for standardized cell quality control and engage with the regenerative medicine community to drive collaborations and commercialization activities.

RMMS Learning Webinar Series

Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society (RMMS) is launching a free pilot webinar series for listeners to learn more about the advances happening in the field of regenerative medicine. Register now – Spots are limited!

April 4 “Building the Foundation: Standards for Regenerative Medicine”

April 18 “Top Disruptors for Regenerative Medicine: AI Predictive Modeling & In-Space Biomanufacturing”

April 25 “Smart Manufacturing: QC, Automation, and Optimization for Next-Generation Biomanufacturing” — with our CSO, Kersti Alm

The latest Publications

Optical sensor reveals the hidden influence of cell dissociation on adhesion measurements

Authors: Kovács et al.

Journal: Scientific Reports (2024)

Research Areas: Materials Science

Cell Lines: HeLa

Keywords: biomaterials, biophysics, optics and photonics

GSK’872 Improves Prognosis of Traumatic Brain Injury by Switching Receptor-Interacting Serine/Threonine-Protein Kinase 3-dependent Necroptosis to Cysteinyl Aspartate Specific Proteinase-8-Dependent Apoptosis

Authors: Yue Min and Ze-Qi Yu

Journal: World Neurosurgery (2024)

Research Areas: Neuronology

Cell Lines: HT22

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell morphology, apoptosis, GSK’872, necroptosis, RIP3, traumatic brain injury

Characterisation of the cell and molecular biological effect of peptide-based daunorubicin conjugates developed for targeting pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PANC-1) cell line

Authors: Z. Szász et al.

Journal: Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy (2024)

Research Areas: Cancer research

Cell Lines: PANC-1, COLO-205, A2058 and EBC-1

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell morphology, targeted tumour therapy, targeting peptide, pancreatic adenocarcinoma, daunorubicin, cellular senescenceno, cardiotoxicity

Suppression of the growth and metastasis of mouse melanoma by Taenia crassiceps and Mesocestoides corti tapeworms Authors

Authors: Schreiber et al.

Journal: Frontiers in Immunology (2024)

Research Areas: Cancer Research

Cell Lines: B16F10

Keywords: HoloMonitor M4, cell proliferation, melanoma, taenia, mesocestoides, cancer, suppression, tapeworm, metastasis

Best microscope I’ve tried so far—worth every penny!

Markus Bosteen
Senior Scientist, Novo Nordisk, Copenhagen