Practicing Medicine
on Their Terms

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HPEC is a decentralized autonomous organization of practicing physicians - which is essentially a digital physicians guild.

With your identity and professional credential wallet you can efficiently work, connect, build your own professional referral network and move freely. We are building the future of care, and practicing physicians are leading the way.

User centric digital authentication is the future

Owning your professional brand starts with owning your credentials. Being able to directly prove who you are seamlessly, securely and digitally is only now made possible by decentralized identity.

Collaborate & organize to get your patients the best care

Collaborative organizational tools specifically designed for us as practicing physicians helps us connect with each other and makes patient care better, safer and more efficient.
A New Standard
The outdated federated and password protected identity authentication systems cause friction and are not secure. New standards are now developed that better serve doctors and their patients. With the power of decentralized identity you can control your credentials, and hold the power to directly verify your professional digital self. With HPEC you are empowered to own your information and use it to interact with your patients seamlessly across the artificial boundaries of the current friction filled healthcare system.
The HPEC wallet creates a portal of privacy and trust for our patients and our practice. Your credential wallet is the keepsake of your professional digital identity. It stores and authenticates original primary source information about your credentials, which is the way you will interact with patients in our future decentralized healthcare ecosystem. With HPEC physicians can continue to put patients first and uphold our oath while leading the practice of medicine.

We have exclusive offers only available to the first 10,000 physicians.

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Join us building the future of healthcare

A message from our founder, Leah Houston, MD, where she talks about the mission of HPEC, our purpose, and how Self-Sovereign Identities can change the healthcare industry.
HPEC helps the healthcare system the most by letting patients and physicians own the information.
Roy Stoller, DO
HPEC makes the credentialing time faster and less expensive, and it gives the power of protection of being responsible for your own information.
Tisha Titus, MD
HPEC uses emerging technologies to streamline physician and patient interactions securely.
Charles Olson Jr., MD