ANNADELE ALPACAS is a 100 acre Alpaca farm nestled in the picturesque hills of Northwestern Pennsylvania. Every spring the Alpacas are sheered, producing a large harvest of luxurious fleece. These fibers are superior in beauty, softness, warmth and durability. 


 Our best alpaca fleeces are hand or machine spun into yarns and blends of various weights. Natural colored and hand dyed yarns are woven, knitted, and felted into clothing and accessories. Many of Annadele Alpacas’ special creations are one-of-a-kind. Other products available were imported through fair trade.


Shop online and get free shipping or visit the farm and farm store. The farm and store are open January through March Saturdays only 10-4.

April through December the hours are Wednesday through Saturday 10-4.


Thank You for Supporting our Small Farm Dreams!