Xylazine-Involved Overdose Deaths on the Rise

This nonopioid veterinary tranquilizer, which is not approved for human use, is linked to an alarming number of drug overdose deaths across the United States.

Drug-Resistant Fungal Infections on the Rise

To address this growing concern, researchers suggest adopting measures including patient education, routine diagnostic testing, and testing of antifungal susceptibility.

The Management of Postoperative Pain

Multidisciplinary collaboration coupled with the use of multimodal strategies has enabled the tailoring of treatment plans based on the patient’s medical status and type of surgery.

Emerging Therapies for Ulcerative Colitis–Induced Pain

Newer drugs are more targeted than standard agents, but their incorporation into treatment regimens is challenging because of the risk of cardiovascular and infectious adverse events.

Social Anxiety Disorder

This social phobia is a disabling mental health condition characterized by an intense, persistent, excessive, overwhelming fear or self-consciousness in at least one social or performance situation.


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