Sponsorship Opportunities 

As you look forward to face-to-face interactions with many of your current and potential customers, we invite you to take advantage of the available sponsorship opportunities to enhance your presence. Don’t take the chance that attendees will seek you out—take the steps to draw them in.

Learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities

Product Theater 

Product Theaters provide a forum to gather and discuss issues on patient education, specific products, services or new clinical science. Lasting 45-minutes in the Exhibit Hall, each Product Theater slot includes food and beverage provided by AOA.

The AOA recognizes that Product Theaters are promotional and may concentrate on a specific product or drug. These sessions do NOT receive CME credit.

Learn more about Product Theaters

Featured Exhibitor Listings

Gain increased exposure and stand out on the OMED 2023 Exposition website by securing a Featured Exhibitor Listing! Attendees will be drawn to Featured Exhibitor Listings with logos, longer company and product descriptions, press releases, product photos, and corporate videos. 

Learn more about Featured Exhibitor Listings

OMED 2019