Salem,  NH 
United States
  • Booth: 2271

Booth Profile

ALPCO offers a wide range of testing solutions, providing scientists and healthcare professionals with vital tools for advancing research and improving quality of care. Our gastroenterology product portfolio features tests for 13 different stool analytes, including an FDA Class I Exempt for IVD use pancreatic elastase immunoassay, as well as our organically developed and manufactured chemiluminescence calprotectin ELISA which is currently pending FDA 510(k) clearance.


  • STELLUX® Chemi Calprotectin ELISA
    The STELLUX® Chemi Calprotectin ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of calprotectin in human stool and is used as an aid in the differentiation of IBD from IBS in conjunction with other clinical findings. This Calprotectin ELISA offers the broadest range and is the most clinically specific assay available to the market....

  • Calprotectin is an established biomarker for assisting with differentiating IBD from IBS and can therefore exclude IBS patients from unnecessary colonoscopies allowing for more timely IBD identification and treatment.

    With a clinical cut-off of 50 µg/g, the STELLUX® Chemi Calprotectin ELISA boasts clinical specificity of >95% when differentiating IBD from IBS. The assay’s broad range of 7.9 – 10,000 µg/g eliminates sample reruns. When used with the Easy Stool Extraction Device, sample processing time is reduced by up to 86%. Furthermore, robust quality control ensures confidence in data without concern for assay drift over time.

    *Final labeling and performance claims are pending FDA 510(k) Premarket Notification submission and clearance.