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Our Clinical Proficiency Testing Programs.

We offer comprehensive programs that cover the clinical laboratory.



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You need a provider that fully supports you with technical expertise and prompt, personal service. At API, we work with over 20,000  laboratories, covering all areas of laboratory medicine. Impressive numbers, for sure.


But our reputation as a leader has grown because we are committed to providing the best customer service in the industry. We handle each contact promptly and professionally, so you don’t have to wait for answers. Our technical experts fully understand the laboratory so they can assist you with a wide range of needs.


We offer comprehensive programs that cover the clinical laboratory.

We work with leading labs to develop the perfect solution.

The end result? With API, you have people and results you can rely on to meet all your proficiency testing needs.

  • Online portal management.

  • Result submission reports.

  • Troubleshooting samples.

  • Free continuing education credits.

API Data Direct

Eliminate the #1 cause of proficiency testing failures by uploading your results to API using your LIS.

“API’s DataDirect is very easy to use and there is no need to purchase any special middleware or change my current system. DataDirect will save my lab hours of entering PT results and will reduce failures due to clerical errors. Keep up the good work API!”

Dorothy, Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital

Take API for a Test Drive

Not an API customer? Sign up to receive free Chemistry samples and experience firsthand our amazing DataDirect feature.

With API’s DataDirect proficiency results are uploaded using your LIS. This upload eliminates the main cause of PT failures- clerical errors.

No additional cost or interface is needed and the setup is easy!

As an added bonus for taking a Test Drive, the entire lab staff can begin using the free online Continuing Education (CE) immediately.

Take API for a Test Drive