Precision System Science  

5673 W. Las Positas Blvd. Suite 202
Pleasanton,  CA  94588

United States
  • Booth: 3450

In 2001, Precision System Science, first automated magnetic bead based DNA extractions for the molecular diagnostic laboratory. Since then, our technology is continuously lead in development of instrumentation for new magnetic bead based processes throughout the clinical laboratory. As a ISO 13485 certified manufacturer, we are able to provide our OEM customers complete design, development and manufacturing of instrumentation, plastic disposables and reagent kitting for the IVD market. A selection of private label instrumentation and chemistry is available to our customers through our worldwide distribution network. Instrumentation for sample-to-answer molecular diagnostics as well as magnetic bead based solid phase extractions is available with extraction chemistries for DNA, RNA, cfDNA and other nucleic acids.