Femasys Inc.  

Suwanee,  GA 
United States
  • Booth: 243

Femasys is a biomedical company developing a suite of product candidates to transform women’s healthcare with minimally invasive, non-surgical, in-office technologies. Its reproductive health portfolio includes FemVue®, a commercially available product for fallopian tube assessment by ultrasound, FemCath®, an intrauterine catheter for selective evaluation of the tubes and FemaSeed®, the first and only approach that delivers sperm directly to the fallopian tube that is now FDA Cleared.


  • FemaSeed
    The next generation of artificial insemination. 

    FemaSeed delivers washed sperm precisely into the selected fallopian tube by placement of a balloon catheter directly in the uterine cornu.  FemaSeed can be rotated to deliver sperm to the contralateral tube.

    FemaSeed allows for expansion of practice services with a safe & affordable first-line infertility solution with improved efficacy demonstrated over historic IUI for low male sperm count.


  • FemVue

    An in-office, tubal patency diagnostic procedure.

    FemVue creates a consistent stream of saline and air contrast "bubbles" that allow for easy assessment of both fallopian tubes using any ultrasound equipment. FemVue allows for expansion of practice services by offering a safe and reliable option for your patients.
