Continuity Health Solutions

Dallas,  TX 
United States
  • Booth: IZ18

Continuity Health Solutions is a provider of services and solutions for organizations to virtualize their care delivery across the care continuum and improve outcomes. Our solutions allow organizations to stratify their population, provide workflow tools across the population from transitional care to remote patient monitoring utilizing scientific developed care plans from American Heart Association or crafted by the care organizations team.


  • ally® Connected Care

    ally® Transition of Care Module (TOC)
    ally® Virtual Chronic Care Manager (VCCM)
    ally® A³™ (Automation, Aggregation,Alert Algorithm) Engine
    ally® CS™ (Connected Services)...

  • Continuity Health Solutions is a provider of services and solutions for organizations to virtualize their care delivery across the care continuum and improve outcomes.  ally® Connected Care allow organizations to stratify their population, provide workflow tools across the population from transitional care to remote patient monitoring utilizing scientific developed care plans from American Heart Association or crafted by the care organizations team.

    ally® connected care empowers organizations to continue the relationship with their patients through the participation method the patient chooses to ensure maximum compliance for participation. You are closer to the patient and thus can better assess the method they are comfortable works best.

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