Exhibitor Registration
Exhibitor Registration is now open. You may now register your staff through the online exhibitor registration system. You will have access to:
- Assign booth personnel for Exhibit Hall Only badges (booth staff)
- Purchase your two (2) discounted Scientific badges
- Exhibit Hall Only Tuesday Day Passes
To register your booth personnel, click on the link to the Exhibitor Registration and enter the company password emailed to you by the registration team. Only the person listed as the booth key contact on record will have access to the exhibitor registration portal. If you are not able to locate your password, please see the text under the “password field” and follow the prompts to retrieve your password.
Under the Exhibitor Registration tab, you will notice three (3) columns:
- Exhibit Hall Only badges
- Discounted Scientific Registration badges
- Exhibit Hall Only Tuesday Day Passes
Each column provides updated quantities of the number of badges your company is allotted, additional purchased (if applicable), badges assigned, and badges still available.
For every 100 square feet of contracted booth space, the exhibiting company receives four (4) Exhibit Hall Only badges. Additional Exhibit Hall Only badges over the allotment are $60.00/each.
AAI allows exhibitors to exchange up to two (2) Exhibit Hall Only badges for Discounted Scientific Registration badges. The costs associated with the Discounted Scientific Registration badges are as follows:
- Through Friday, April 4, 2025: $520.00/each
- Saturday, April 5, 2025, through Friday, May 2, 2025: $700.00/each
- Beginning Saturday, May 3, 2025: $800.00/each
Your company’s allotments for the three types of registrations are listed under 3 tabs:
- Add New Booth Staff
- Add New Discounted Scientific badge,
- Add Exhibit Hall Only Tuesday Day Passes
Just click on the appropriate tab and follow through the process. When your allotments are exhausted, you will be charged for additional registrations above the allotment at the prevailing rates. If you require additional Exhibit Hall Only badges, click on "to purchase additional exhibitor badges", select the quantity needed, and process your payment. You will then be able to add the additional staff names to your registration profile.
Once your registrations are complete, you can send email confirmations individually or as a group, remove and update Exhibit Hall Only badges, and purchase tickets if needed. Please click on the links next to the registrant’s name for each step. When complete, you may print out a Booth Personnel Roster and receipt.
For questions regarding the Exhibitor Registration process, please contact IMMUNOLOGY2025™ Registration at 508-743-8508 or aai@expressreg.net.
If you have additional questions regarding your presence at IMMUNOLOGY2025™, please contact Andrew Cusick, AAI Exhibit Operations, at andrew.cusick@spargoinc.com or 571-445-6418.