Parhelia Biosciences  

Austin,  TX 
United States
  • Booth: 332


  • Parhelia Spatial Station

    All-in-One Spatial Biology Workflow Automation

    The Parhelia Spatial Station offers researchers and clinicians an automated solution to the complexities of sample processing and staining, complete with safeguards, reports, and configurable customization to handle any spatial biology protocol.

  • Skylab Reagent Kits
    Dewax-HIER | Dewax-H&E

    Superior reagent solutions that scale with any slide staining throughput...

  • Parhelia Omni-Stainer
    The First Open-Application Sample Prep Platform for Spatial Biology

    The Parhelia Omni-Stainer enables the facile automation of any spatial biology staining protocol. The system streamlines the sample preparation process and injects precision, efficiency, consistency, and ease of use into a previously laborious and manual workflow.