From idea to product in photonics based medical devices

MedPhab Services

MedPhab accelerates the commercialisation of diagnostic devices and instruments for treatment based on photonics by offering systems, procedures and protocols to guide partners through the device design, standardization and manufacturing phases helping to reduce the R&D cost.

Medphab solutions

The technology offered by MedPhab can help companies to develop solutions for various applications, such as, enabling real-time information and monitoring of the treatment progression in hospital environments, novel home care services, medical wearables and equipment for in-vitro diagnostics.

MedPhab Technologies

MedPhab uses a diverse range of technology solutions and platforms to address the broad challenges of developing regulated, manufactural and scalable products. This includes platforms such as micro fluidics, integrated optics, advanced packaging, fibre optics and reader devices which in conjunction with development support allows MedPhab to provide an array of solutions to your development need.

Contact MedPhab

If you are interested in working with MedPhab please fill out the contact form here or reach out to us at

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