Novoprotein Scientific Inc.

  • Booth: 4365

Novoprotein is a protein-centric biotech company dedicated to recombinant protein service. Since its inception in 2004, Novoprotein has manufactured more than 20,000 recombinant proteins. The product portfolio includes cytokines, growth factors, immune checkpoint proteins, IVD products, enzymes and drug targeted-proteins. In Novoprotein, the extensive experience, well-established capacity and rigorous QC standard guarantee efficient protein production and the highest product quality.

 Press Releases

  • A common source of non-specific amplification is the extension of mismatched sequences by DNA polymerase and the formation of primer dimers. Although DNA polymerases are less active at low temperatures and non-specific amplification can be reduced by preparing PCR reaction mixtures on ice; however, during the reaction setup, DNA polymerases can catalyze the extension of mismatched primers or the formation of primer dimers, thus resulting in non-specific amplification that interferes with normal amplification and interpretation of results. Therefore, a more effective way to improve the specificity of PCR is to use hot-start DNA polymerase. Among them, Taq antibody-modified hot-start DNA polymerase have been widely used because of their fast hot-start speed and high sensitivity.

    How Taq antibody-modified hot-start DNA polymerase works?

    After Taq DNA polymerase binds to its antibody (Taq antibody), its activity is efficiently inhibited. During the initial high-temperature denaturation step (e.g., >90℃), the bound antibodies are degraded, activating the Taq DNA polymerases. By using Taq antibody to inhibit the activity of Taq DNA polymerase at room temperature, non-specific amplification caused by primer mismatch can be avoided and amplification specificity can be improved.

    Novoprotein provides high-quality and strictly quality-controlled Taq antibody (Cat. No.: Z087) to help you obtain highly specific PCR results. In addition, we also provide glycerol-free Taq antibody (Cat. No.: Z087-03) to assist the development of lyophilized reagents.


    • Good activity inhibition effect, high-efficiency affinity Taq DNA polymerase, precise inhibition of enzyme activity.

    • Fast hot-start, release Taq DNA polymeraseactivity at the same time of DNA initialdenaturation.

    • High stability, no effect on the activity inhibition effect of Taq DNA polymeraseafter placed at 37℃for 7 days.

    • Strict quality control, no residues of endonuclease, exonuclease, RNase, DNase, etc.


    1. Specificity verification

    The specificity of amplification was significantly improved by the Taq antibody-modified Taq DNA polymerase compared with the unmodified Taq DNA polymerase.

    The Taq antibodies from company c and Novoprotein were incubated with Taq DNA polymerase to obtain hot-start Taq DNA polymerase for target gene amplification. The amplification performance was compared with the finished hot-start Taq DNA polymerase (Control). The hot-start Taq DNA polymerase incubated with Novoprotein Taq antibody had better specificity.

    2. Repeatability verification

    The hot-start Taq DNA polymerase incubated with Novoprotein Taq antibody (Test2) has better repeatability than the finished hot-start Taq DNA polymerase (Control) and the control antibody (Test1).

    3. Amplification efficiency verification

    The amplification efficiency of hot-start Taq DNA polymerase incubated with Novoprotein Taq antibody (Test2) was better compared with that of the finished hot-start Taq DNA polymerase (Control) and the control antibody (Test1).

    4. Multiplex amplification validation

    Compared with the finished hot-start Taq DNA polymerase (Control), the hot-start Taq DNA polymerase incubated with Novoprotein Taq antibody is able to perform 10-20 plex PCR amplification well with as low as 1ng of template.

    5. Probe-based duplex qPCR performance verification(glycerol-freeTaq antibody)

    Glycerol-containing Taq antibody and glycerol-free Taq antibody have the same sensitivity in probe-based duplex qPCR detection.

    6. Stability test

    The Taq antibody was placed at 37°C for 7 days and then was incubated with Taq DNA polymerase for amplification, there was no difference in the results.

    7. RNase residue detection

    The addition of RNase Inhibitor in the amplification system did not affect the amplification Ct value, proving that there was no RNase contamination.

    8. DNase residue detection

    1U, 2U, and 10U Taq antibody were added to the 100bp DNA Ladder, respectively. After incubation at -20℃ and 37℃ respectively for 2 hours, the integrity of the DNA Ladder was detected by electrophoresis, and the results showed that there was no DNase contamination.

    Thanks to the customer for kindly providing some of the data plots.

  • Cardiovascular Disease

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a group of diseases that affect the heart and vascular system, including coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, arrhythmia, heart failure, and stroke. According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, about 17.9 million people died of CVDs, accounting for 31% of all global deaths[1]. The China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2022 states that the morbidity and mortality rates of cardiovascular diseases in China continue to rise, with the number of cardiovascular disease deaths in China increasing from 3.09 million to 4.58 million between 2005 and 2020[2]. Therefore, CVD has become a major public health problem affecting the world.


    GDF-15, a Diagnostic Marker for Cardiovascular Disease

    Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) is an independent biochemical marker of inflammation that reflects cardiovascular function and disease. Studies have demonstrated the high value of GDF-15 in the prognostic assessment of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and in the prediction of cause of death in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI)[3]. The article "Expert Consensus on the Emergency Clinical Use of Growth Differentiation Factor-15 in Acute Coronary Syndromes", published in 2022, recommended that the combined testing of GDF-15 with traditional markers of cardiac muscle injury could improve the diagnostic ability for ACS[4].


    Novoprotein GDF-15 Product Introduction

    Based on high quality raw materials and mature technology platform, Novoprotein provides IVD companies with high quality and cost-effective GDF-15 paired antibodies, GDF-15 antigens and GDF-15 reagent solution products, which help clinical diagnostic kit development and production.

    Product Information

    Validation Data - GDF-15 Antibody Pair in TRFIA

    Validation Data - GDF-15 Quantitative Detection Uncutted Strips  (TRFIA)

    Novoprotein Cardiac Marker other Products

    In addition to GDF-15 raw materials, Novoprotein also provides other cardiac marker products, including CKBB, CKMB, CKMM, CRP, cTn C, cTn I, cTn T, FABP3, LDH, Lp-PLA2, MYO, MPO, NT-proANP, NT-proBNP, proBNP, sCD40L, sST2 and many other antigens and antibodies, which help the development of diagnostic kits for cardiovascular diseases.

    Cardiovascular markers and other diagnostic antigens and antibodies in the field of disease are still under development, welcome to inquire!




    2. China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2022.

    3. Kim JB, et al. GDF-15 is associated with insufficient ventricular recovery and mortality after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. circ Cardiovasc Interv, 2017, 10(12):e005594

    4. Expert consensus on the emergency clinical use of growth differentiation factor-15 in acute coronary syndromes

  • Rapid detection and accurate diagnosis of pathogens is a prerequisite for effective treatment of respiratory diseases.

    Pathogen detection methods

    Test Methods Characteristics
    Immunology Fast detection speed, low cost, wide range of application scenarios, high sample collection requirements, low sensitivity, easy to miss detection, window period
    PCR High sensitivity and accurate results
    Gene Sequencing mNGS is suitable for screening difficult and rare pathogens, complex and difficult to interpret and reduce noise, expensive. tNGS can cover most pathogens, can remove the host gene interference, cheap, but difficult to develop multiple amplification or probe system. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are high, but the requirements for equipment, personnel and site are high and the testing time is long.

    Novoprotein Immunodiagnostic and Molecular Diagnostic Raw Materials for Respiratory Pathogen Detection

    Novoprotein has been deeply engaged in the recombinant protein industry for more than ten years, and has long been focusing on the development of key raw materials such as antigens, antibodies and molecular enzymes, and is committed to providing high-quality and cost-effective raw materials for IVD companies, and high-quality raw materials and solutions for the development and production of clinical diagnostic kits.

    Immunodiagnostic Raw Materials Related Products

    Antigens and Antibodies

    Reagent Solutions

    Part of the Product Validation Data

    1. Flu A Antibody Pair

    Validated on an in-house latex chromatography platform, DA087 was used as the captured antibody and DA086 was used as the detection antibody to test Flu A antigen (Cat#DRA130) and ATCC strain Influenza A virus (H1N1) VR-1469TM, respectively, to assess the sensitivity of the Flu A antibody pair. The results showed that the detection limit of the Novoprotein Flu A antibody against the antigen was 0.25 ng/ml, and the lowest detection limit of VR-1469TM was 1.6×104 TCID50/mL.

    2. Flu B antibody pairs

    Validated on an in-house latex chromatography platform, DA088 was used as the captured antibody and DA089 was used as the detection antibody to test Flu B antigen (Cat#DRA131), ATCC strain Influenza B virus (Yamagata Lineage) VR-1885TM, ATCC strain Influenza B virus ( Victoria Lineage) VR-1931TM, to evaluate the sensitivity of Flu B antibody pairs. The results showed that the detection limit of our Flu B antibody against the antigen was 0.25ng/ml, the lowest detection limit of VR-1885TM was 1.8×105 TCID50/mL, and the lowest detection limit of VR-1931TM was 2.8×103 TCID50/mL.

    3. RSV antibody pairs

    Validated by an in-house latex chromatography platform, DA122 was used as the capturedantibody and DA117 was used as the detection antibody to test RSV antigen (Cat#DRA230) and ATCC strain Respiratory syncytial virus (LDRSV1), respectively, to assess the sensitivity of the RSV antibody pairs. The results showed that the detection limit of the Novoprotein RSV antibody against the antigen was 1 ng/ml, and the lowest detection limit of LDRSV1 was 21.8 TCID50/mL.

    Molecular Diagnostic Raw Materials Related Products


    Product Classification Cat.No. Product Name Lyophilizable
    Probe-based qPCR Premix E106 NovoStart® Probe qPCR SuperMix (UDG) Yes
    E179 NovoStart® Blood Direct Probe qPCR SuperMix (UDG) Yes
    One-step qRT-PCR Premix E395 NovoScript® Multiplex Probe One Step qRT-PCR 5×SuperMix (UDG) Yes
    E395-SRAA NovoScript® Blood Direct Probe One Step qRT-PCR Kit (UDG) Yes
    Multiplex PCR Premix E086-YSAA 5×Multiplex PCR Mix Yes
    One-step Multiplex RT-PCR Premix E195-ESAA NovoScript® Multiplex One-Step RT-PCR Kit (UDG) Yes
    Isothermal amplification Premix E223 2×LAMP Master Mix with Dye Yes
    E220 2×RT-LAMP Master Mix with Dye Yes
    E225 2×Indicator LAMP Master Mix with Dye Yes
    E228 2×Indicator RT-LAMP Master Mix with Dye Yes


    Series of single enzyme

    Product Classification Cat.No. Product Name Freeze-dryable
    Reverse Transcriptase E226 NovoScript® lll Reverse Transcriptase Yes
    Fast Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (antibody-mediated) E207 HotStart FastTaq DNA Polymerase  
    Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (antibody-mediated) E097 HotStart Tag DNA Polymerase (B) Yes
    Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase E017 HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase Yes
    Taq Antibody Z087 Taq antibody Yes
    Taq DNA Polymerase E001 Taq DNA Polymerase Yes
    Heat-labile UDG E063 Heat-labile Uracil-DNA Glycosylase Yes
    UDG E060 Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG)  
    RNase Inhibitor E125 RNase Inhibitor Yes
    Single-stranded Binding Proteins E056 T4 Gene 32 Protein Yes
    Inorganic Pyrophosphatase M031 Thermostable Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Yes
    DNA I E127 DNase l Yes
    Tth DNA Polymerase E108 HotStart Tth DNA Polymerase Yes
    Bst 2.0 E020 BST 2.0 DNA Polymerase Yes

    Product Performance

    · Lyophilizable Rapid qRT-PCR Premix - E395

    Novoprotein Next Generation One-Step qRT-PCR Premix (Catalog No. E395), adapted for rapid reaction procedures, is available in a lyophilizable version to provide stable performance support for the development of nucleic acid detection kits for respiratory pathogens. Quadruple target amplification template: 293 RNA (100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001ng/T)

    Quadruple targets: hGAPDH (CY5); HSD17B10 (ROX); TINF (FAM); HERC1 (HEX)

    · Lyophilizable Multiplex PCR Premix - E086-YSAA

    Novoprotein provides multiplex PCR premixes for multiplex amplicon library construction, multiplex amplification of pathogens, PCR stacked with capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry/chip hybridization for product detection, etc. Carryover contamination-resistant and lyophilizable products are available.

    If you have any questions, please contact
  • ADLM 2024 will be held on 30 July - 1 August in Chicago, USA. We are pleased to invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth #4365 at the ADLM 2024, the most comprehensive gathering in IVD assays, where we will showcase our latest products and innovations.

    As a high-quality IVD raw material supplier, Novoprotein offers comprehensive products such as antigens, antibodies, reagent solutions, molecular diagnostic enzymes and reagents. With a deep understanding of downstream applications and the advantage of in-house quality control, we have established molecular diagnostics and immunodiagnostic technology application platforms and validated hundreds of diagnostic raw materials to meet your application needs.



    Conference Presentation:

    Exhibition Center: McCormick Place, USA

    Booth No.: 4365

    Date: July 30 - August 1, 2024


    Please scan the QR code and follow us on LinkedIn for more information!