Update on AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2021

Due to the dramatic surge of COVID-19 cases in Orange County, Florida, AORN has made the decision to cancel the in-person Global Surgical Conference & Expo Aug. 7-10 at the Orange County Convention Center and focus exclusively on their virtual conference.  Read the Statement.

Save the Date!
Meeting Dates: August 7-10, 2021
Exhibit Dates: August 8-10, 2021

Contact the AORN Exhibit Sales Team Today!

Kristin Hudson
(Companies A-L)
703-995-3868 | kristin.hudson@spargoinc.com

Emily Dowling
(Companies M-Z)
703-679-3915 | emily.dowling@spargoinc.com

703-631-6200 | 800-564-4220 | aornexhibits@spargoinc.com