Meet Your Matches challenge
at 2019 ASCB|EMBO Meeting
When attendees and exhibitors arrive to pick up their badges, they will be randomly given a pin with a number on it that approximately 100 other attendees and/or exhibitors will also have. Beginning with the opening night reception on Saturday, December 7, and anytime you are in the Exhibit Hall, ASCB encourages participants in this Meet Your Match challenge to find another participant with the matching number button. Each time you meet a match, get your badge scanned by an ASCB Staff member at one of the five stations in the opening night reception or at the ASCB Booth throughout the week for a chance to win one of three $100 Visa gift cards. Those who meet at least five of their 100 matches will be entered to win! If you or your match can't make it to the scan station or booth at the same time, snap a photo and bring it to the booth during exhibit hall hours (9:30 am to 4:00 pm Sunday-Tuesday) so that at least one of you can be scanned to enter the drawing.