Helicobacter Pylori (H pylori) infection is a leading cause of stomach cancer.

Ask your doctor for an H. pylori test if you are experiencing prolonged and persistent symptoms like
stomach burning, loss of appetite, and nausea.

Periwinkle Blue and the Seahorse are symbols of Hope and Inspiration for the Stomach Cancer Community.

One-on-One Support

Reach out to us. You are not alone in this journey.

Find your local Cancer Center

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers deliver cutting-edge cancer treatments to patients.

Support Our Cause

Join us in advancing the fight against stomach cancer.

Genetic Testing

Talk with a certified genetic counselor who can provide expert guidance on your testing options, all from the comfort of your home.

Resources for Patients and Caregivers

Explore our library of resources for diagnosis, treatment, advocacy, research, and emotional or financial support.

Ambry Genetics Financial Assistance Program

At Ambry, we believe that each person should be treated as an individual when it comes to genetic testing. This remains true as it pertains to the cost associated with testing. Our goal is to provide you with our high quality genetic testing without cost being a barrier or burden.

Chemocare: Financial Assistance Programs for Chemotherapy Medications and Treatment

Unfortunately, the cost of these medications can be great. Insurance coverage of these medications- that is, who covers the costs of chemotherapy – is not always clear cut. For many patients the medications may be covered at least partially under their insurance company’s prescription plan. Others have no prescription coverage and the medications might be […]

Canada: My Gut Feeling

My Gut Feeling is a stomach cancer support network for patients, survivors, and caregivers, providing peer-to-peer support and education to people along their cancer journey. Stomach cancer has one of the highest death rates in the world, but is one of the least funded in Canada. Together we can change this!

Faces of Stomach Cancer

Read the personal stories of others facing issues and challenges with stomach cancer that may be similar to your own.



In December 2012, Marne learned she had the CDH1 gene mutation. After losing her father, aunt, grandmother and others in her family throughout her life, she knew she was not going to let stomach cancer beat her. On June 7, 2013 she had a total gastrectomy. Marne shares her story, Life Without A Stomach, in […]

Adriana Walsh


In 2006, Adriana Walsh lost her father Steve to stomach cancer when she was just 13 years old. In 2009, she learned that she tested positive for the cdh1 mutation that took her father’s life. Her most recent endoscopy in August showed evidence of stomach cancer, so she took immediate action and had her entire […]

Stomach Cancer News