Biognosys AG

  • Booth: 21012a

Biognosys provides next-generation proteomics solutions that utilize mass spectrometry for the quantification of thousands of proteins with industry-leading precision, depth, and throughput to support biomarker discovery and drug development.


  • Proteomics: from Discovery to Clinical Research
    Biognosys is the world leader in the development and application of next-generation proteomics solutions to accelerate and de-risk drug research and development. Biognosys operates one of the largest high-end mass spectrometry laboratories worldwide for proteomics contract research with industry-leading sample throughput and project turnaround time. Our proprietary technology enables researchers to harness the rich functional fingerprint that is embedded in the proteome by providing unbiased, quantitative profiling at unparalleled depth and scale.

    We are dedicated to making the power of proteomics accessible to you to address your research questions at the discovery, pre-clinical, and clinical stage of drug development. Integrate our proteomics solutions into your research to get comprehensive insights into the expression, function, and structure of thousands of proteins in virtually all sample types. Our sophisticated bioinformatics pipeline transforms rich proteomics data into actionable insights to elucidate disease biology and mechanisms of action, discover novel biomarkers, and identify new drug targets.

    At this year’s ASCO Annual Meeting, Biognosys has two published abstracts on the application of proteomics in oncology clinical research:

    Proteomics Meets Transcriptomics – Identification of Tumor Tissue Signatures Specific to Anti-PD1 Treatment in Late-stage Melanoma Patients
    Kamil Sklodowski et al. [A collaboration with Instituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione Pascale and NanoString Technologies]

    Proteome and Phospho-proteome Profiling for Deeper Phenotype Characterization of Colorectal Cancer Heterogeneity
    Jakob Vowinckel et al. [A collaboration with Indivumed GmbH]

    Check out the oncology case studies on our website, illustrating how proteomics is being used to address key questions in cancer drug discovery and development....