BLH Collection

United States
  • Booth: 617


  • Antique Post Office Box Door Bank Circa 1920
    Beautiful bronze eagle door mounted in a solid mahogany case. $95.00...

  • This bank features a circa 1920 bronze eagle door that was cleaned and restored to its original working condition.  The case is solid mahogany finished with three coats of fine finish.  This is one of our most popular banks.
  • Antique Post Office Box Door Bank Circa 1960
    Unusual chrome door with original black lucite window mounted in an ebonized oak case. $60.00...

  • The chorme doors are very rare and this one is especially unusual with a black lucite wondow with enraved numbers -- probably from a military post office. The door was cleaned ans restored to its originalworking order.  The case is made from solid oak which has been chemically ebonized to a rich black color.  The black and chrome with the black window is a beautiful and winning combination.  
  • Antique Post Office Box Bank Walnut Circa 1890
    Rare circa 1890 post office box door mounted in a a solid walnut case. $125...

  • This is a rare door from about 1890 which was cleaned and restored to its original working condition.  This door is rarely seen and is a real find.  The case is handcrafted from solid walnut and finished with three coats of fine finish.