Ewes-ful Fiber Arts

Westminster,  MD 
United States
  • Booth: 540

Susan Withnell of Ewes-ful FiberArts is a weaver and hand spinner. She uses a spinning wheel to create handspu and hand dyed yarns, many from her flock of rare breed Wensleydale sheep, angora rabbits and alpaca. Using a variety of yarns, Susan weaves large V-Shawls, scarves and the very popular mobius wraps.

 Show Specials

  • All day Susan will be using a spinning wheel to show how yarn is made the "old fashioned way." Questions are welcomed by this former kindrgarten teacher! GREAT for kids (and adults)


  • Teal chenille mobius
    This popular teal mobius wrap is handwoven of soft rayon chenille and bamboo yarns. A mobius wrap is a continuous loop with a twist that can be worn several different ways! ...

  • Hand Spun and Hand Dyed Natural Fiber Yarns
    Yarns are hands spun / hand dyed from many different fibers, including the artisans own rare Wensleydale sheep.  Other yarn fibers include alpaca, mohair,  silk / camel down blend...

  • Hand Woven Tencel Scarf
    The intricate patters of the handwoven tencel scarves are created on an 8 shaft floor loom.  Several different colorways are available. The LONG scarves can be worn several ways....

  • Hand Woven Wool Shawl
    Available in two populare colorways, these hand woven wool shawls warm and cozy!  Add a handcast celtic penannular pin to hold the shawl closed!...

  • Hand Woven Bamboo Fiber Mobius
    The bamboo mobius wraps are available in 3 colorways!  Mobius wraps are a continuous loop with a twist.  They can be worn many ways.  Bamboo is oh so soft!...