NEXCO-West USA, Inc.

VIenna,  VA 
United States
  • Booth: 572

NEXCO is an infrared thermography and visual imaging analysis service provider specializing in highway and bridges. The Deck Top Scanning System (DTSS) is vehicle mounted and consists of a line scan camera system (LSCS) and infrared camera system (Ir-BAS) that enables bridge engineers to identify cracks as narrow as 0.012″ (0.3mm) and detect delaminations at a speed of 50 mph without lane closure.


    Our deck-top scanning system is a vehicle mounted mobile system, consisting of a Line Sensor Camera (LCS) and Infrared Bridge Assessment System (Ir-BAS) that is able to identify and quantify deck top surface cracks as narrow as 0.012" (0.3mm)....

  • DTSS can assist in assessing surfaces by automatically creating real-time infrared thermographs at or near highway speeds, eliminating the need to close travel lanes and disrupt traffic.

    Infrared images are then later stitched together by our software to produce an infrared inspection report to assist with monitoring and evaluation.

    DTSS features an A6700sc model IR camera which can take thermographs at high speeds, thanks to a very short integration time and a cooled (InSb) detector. It can detect very finite differences in temperature (0.1􀋃C), making it possible to conduct IR inspections at night.

    Line scanning cameras use a single row of light-sensitive nodes which continuously scan objects while in motion. Digital imagery collected by line scanning cameras present a vertically oriented view, perpendicular to the deck surface. Therefore, a high definition line scan provides superior date for crack analysis and aids in the proofing of infrared results (checking for discoloration).