AIWaysion's WaysionNet is a software suite with the following key components:
❖ WaysionNet Traffic
➢vehicle volume
➢vehicle speed
➢vehicle classification
➢travel time measurement
❖ WaysionNet VRU
➢VRU detection & count
➢VRU classification (ped, cyclist, scooter, wheel chair, etc.)
❖ WaysionNet Env
➢environment conditions detection (i.e., temperature, humidity)
➢road surface conditions detection (i.e., normal, wet, icy, snow)
➢visibility detection
❖ WaysionNet Safety
➢queue/congestion warning
➢stopped vehicle warning
➢collision and near-miss events warning
➢low visibility warning
➢dangerous road surface conditions warning
❖ WaysionNet Parking
➢parking event (i.e., vehicle type, location, ingress, egress, duration)
➢parking availability