Eurospital S.p.A.

VAT NR IT 00047510326
via Flavia 122
Trieste,  34147

  • Booth: 4462

Eurospital, an Italian IVD Company, focuses its activities on specific diagnostic sectors such as diagnosis of Coeliac Disease, IBD, detection of genetic predisposition to Coeliac, Type 1 Diabetes and Lactose Intolerance. Actively present worldwide, Eurospital’s aim is to provide Paediatricians, Gastroenterologists and Laboratory Immunologists with highly innovative diagnostic tests such as Calprest family products, Eu-tTG, XeliGen, DiabeGen and LactoGen.

 Press Releases

  • (May 06, 2024)
    Eurospital Turbidimetric Analyzer

    Independent and highly automated benchtop turbidimetric instrument for the quantitative determination of fecal diagnostic markers such as calprotectin, pancreatic elastase, hemoglobin (fecal occult blood, FOB) and H.pylori antigen, relevant in gastrointestinal pathologies.

    Intended for the quantitative reading of Eurospital turbidimetric tests:
    • Calprest Turbo (ref. 9300)
    • Elaprest Turbo (ref. 9298)
    • FOB-Test Turbo (ref. 9297)
    • Helori Turbo (ref. 9296)
  • (May 06, 2024)
    Eurospital Rapid Tests Reader

    Novel all-in-one instrument designed as an indipendent solution and characterized by an intuitive software interface and an integrated touchscreen display.

    Intended for the quantitative reading of Eurospital rapid tests:
    • CalFast NeXT (ref. 9191NT)
    • ElaFast (ref. 9191EP)
    • IFX-Fast (ref. 9191TI)
    • ADM-Fast (ref. 9191TA)
  • (May 07, 2024)
    FOB-Test Turbo
    FOB-Test Turbo allows the quantitative determination of human haemoglobin from fecal samples that can be linked to the bleeding derived from specific lesions of the colorectal intestinal tract. Haemoglobin in feces can be used as a marker of colorectal cancer, therefore directing the patient to further clinical investigations in order to assess the specific clinical condition.
    Dedicated fecal extraction device.
    • EasyCal FOB (ref. 9293)
    • FOB-Test Turbo (ref. 9297)
  • Turbidimetric tests and analyzer as a complete solution for the diagnostic determination of gastrointestinal marker.

    Eu-Turbo Analyzer, together with the Eurospital turbidimetric tests Calprest Turbo, Elaprest Turbo, FOB-Test Turbo and Helori Turbo, provide the laboratory user with a standalone solution for the rapid and safe analysis of fecal specimens for the quantitative determination of gastrointestinal markers such as calprotectin, pancreatic elastase, FOB and H. pylori antigen.

    Calprest Turbo

    Quantitative turbidimetric test for the determination of faecal calprotectin as an aid to clinicians for the identification of subjects affected by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). 
    Dedicated faecal extraction device:
    • Calprest Turbo (ref. 9300)
    • EasyCal Turbo (ref. 9302)

    Elaprest Turbo

    Quantitative turbidimetric test for the determination of faecal pancreatic elastase as a non-invasive aid for the identification of subjects affected by pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI). 
    Dedicated faecal extraction device:
    • Elaprest Turbo (ref. 9298)
    • EasyCal Turbo (ref. 9302)

    FOB-Test Turbo

    Quantitative turbidimetric test for the determination of faecal hemoglobin (fecal occult blood, FOB) as a predictive marker associated with specific lesions of the colorectal tract
    Dedicated faecal extraction device:
    • FOB-Test Turbo (ref. 9297)
    • EasyCal  FOB (ref.9293)

    Helori Turbo

    Quantitative turbidimetric test for the determination of H. pylori antigen from faecal specimens as a tool for clinicians to detect chronic gastric infections resulting from H. pylori.
    Dedicated faecal extraction device:
    • Helori Turbo (ref. 9296)
    • EasyCal Helori (ref. 9294)
  • (May 07, 2024)

    Rapid tests and dedicated reader as a complete solution for the identification of gastrointestinal disorders and the assessment of the biological therapy

    Quantitative rapid tests for the identification of gastrointestinal disorders

    Rapid immunochromatographic tests for the quantitative determination of relevant diagnostic markers, such as calprotectin and pancreatic elastase from faecal extracts, as a valid aid for the correct clinical identification of patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI), respectively.
    • CalFast NeXT (ref. 9191NT)
    • ElaFast (ref. 9191EP)

    Quantitative rapid tests for therapeutic drug monitoring in IBD patients

    Rapid immunochromatographic tests for the quantitative detection of monoclonal antibodies Infliximab and Adalimumab in serum and plasma, used for the treatment of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Valuable tools as an aid to clinical practice of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).
    • IFX-Fast (ref. 9191TI)
    • ADM-Fast (ref. 9191TA)
  • The most comprehensive and reliable panel of products for the in vitro identification and monitoring of coeliac patients.

    From the Xeliac rapid test for a fast and easy screening of possible patients, to serology tests for the determination of antibodies against both human tissue transglutaminase (tTG) and gliadins, followed by the Antiendomysium (EMA) immunofluorescence test for the confirmation of the pathology, down to the genetic test for determining the risk of developing the disease, Eurospital Coeliac Disease Product Line (ECD) is the only portfolio of IVD tests covering at 360° the coeliac definition.