Booth Activity Approval Submission Instructions

Exhibitors must complete and submit any booth activity requests, including food and beverage, to ASCO for review and approval no later than Wednesday, April 24 through the Exhibitor Resource Center. Distributing flyers and talking with attendees within an exhibit booth are not considered booth activities and do not need to be included in exhibitors’ approval requests. ASCO Exhibits Management will be carefully reviewing all submissions. All exhibits in the Exhibit Hall must be congruent with the educational mission of ASCO. All booth activities and content must be professional in nature and provide educational information related to the field of oncology.

Prohibited Activities and Items in the Exhibit Hall

Booth Activities may also include fundraising to benefit Conquer Cancer®, the ASCO Foundation and other not-for-profit organizations. These types of booth activities require the submission of a fundraising request form in addition to the booth activity request form. For more information, please refer to the Request for Fundraising Activity Form.

All booth activities must be approved by ASCO in advance and comply with the Policy for Exhibitors and Other Organizations at ASCO Meetings. For additional details, please review the information related to Booth Activities on pages 9-13.

Please contact Eileen McGill, ASCO Exhibit Operations Management at or 703-679-3969.