
Badge Information

Registration Type What’s on the Badge? Sample Badge

Badge & Holder Description
Included with Badge

Attendee - Member

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA 
White badge in a clear holder with red member footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch in the Exhibit Hall on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Attendee –  Emeritus Member                   

Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA 
White badge in a clear holder with
white emeritus footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch in the Exhibit Hall on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Attendee – Non Member

Full Name, Degree

City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA 
White badge in a clear holder with
green non-member footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Attendee-Associate Member

Full Name, Degree

City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA 
White badge in a clear holder with
blue associate member footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Attendee –
Graduate/Medical Student Member

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

            Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD                  Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA

White badge in a clear holder with
blue graduate/medical student member footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Attendee –
Resident Member

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA

White badge in a clear holder with
blue resident member footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Attendee –
Non-Member in Training

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA

White badge in a clear holder with
blue non-member in training footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks
Attendee –
Allied Health Professional

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA

White badge in a clear holder with
purple allied health footer
  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

Exhibitor Full Meeting –
Non- Member

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA

White badge in a clear holder with
green non-member footer

Must have black Exhibitor ribbon to
enter hall when hall not open

  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall before, during and after open hall hours

Exhibitor Full Meeting –

Full Name, Degree


City, State or Country
(twitter handle)

Jonathan Doe, MD, PhD
Main Street Oncology
Ames, IA

White badge in a clear holder with
red member footer

Must have black Exhibitor ribbon to
enter hall when hall not open

  • Hematology 2024 (the ASH Education Program) –digital content only
  • Program Book
  • Access to ASH annual meeting mobile application and online scheduler
  • Admission to the General, Special-Interest, Education, Scientific, Oral, and Poster Sessions
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall before, during and after open hall hours


Full Name,Degree

Exhibiting Company Name
(twitter handle)

Chris Doe, MBA
Large Pharma

White badge in a tan tinted holder
with black exhibitor footer
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall before, during and after open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks
Spouse/Guest Full Name
City, State

Pat Doe
Fairfax, VA

White badge in a clear holder with
yellow guest footer
  • Admission to the Exhibit Hall during open hall hours
  • Admission to receptions in the Poster Hall
  • Complimentary light lunch on Sunday and Monday
  • Daily Coffee Breaks

For more information, contact the ASH Registration and Housing Center at 703-449-6418 or ashexhibitorreg@spargoinc.com.