
Advertising Outside the Exhibit Hall

The only appropriate and acceptable venues for the distribution of advertising, publications, or marketing materials are the booths in the exhibit hall and the official ASH hotel door drop program. Commercial firms and other organizations may not, for example, engage in marketing activities through the use of hotel television channels, or distribution of marketing materials in hotels (e.g., giveaways, flyers, or door drops), distribution of marketing materials in the convention center, unless through the official ASH Corporate Support Opportunities program. If you are interested in learning about available support opportunities please contact Kristin Hudson at ashexhibits@spargoinc.com or 703-631-6200.  At the ASH annual meeting venue, marketing materials or publications may not be offered, distributed, or displayed anywhere other than the exhibit hall unless a specific prior exception has been granted by ASH.

Exhibiting companies will be restricted from advertising and marketing activities within a five-mile radius of the San Diego Convention Center, Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, and Hilton San Diego Bayfront. The display of banners or other advertisements outside of the exhibit hall and targeted to attendees of the ASH annual meeting is prohibited during the period beginning three days before and continuing until three days after (December 7-10). Exempted activities can be only be arranged through the official vendors for the ASH annual meeting. All other activities or using other vendors are considered prohibited activities.   

Official Vendor Contractors: 

• Out-of-Home Advertising (Airport, Uber/Lyft advertising, Digital Ad at 5th Avenue in Gaslamp) – TriStar Event Media

• ASH News TV and publication advertising - Pharmaceutical Media, Inc. (PMI)

• Sponsored items and pedicabs - SPARGO, Inc.   

Activities that will not be allowed in this zone include but are not limited to:   

  • Advertising in the poster hall

  • Hanging banners
  • Static and mobile billboards
  • Building facades 
  • Window or street decals 
  • Advertising installations
  • Motor vehicle branding (buses, taxis, boats, planes, street cars, etc.)
  • Segways
  • Street teams
  • Literature distribution 
  • Geofencing and geotargeting activities

*This is a partial list of activities. Be sure to check with show management for approval before planning ANY marketing activities at the 2024 ASH Annual Meeting.

Companies or organizations found in violation of this policy will be required to immediately cease the unapproved activity, remove any advertising materials, and are subject to a priority point reduction and other possible actions deemed necessary by ASH. ASH reserves the right to halt any unapproved marketing activity and require the removal of any unapproved advertising materials. 

While the San Diego International Airport is within the five mile radius of the convention center, advertising at the airport is only permissible for this year if exhibitors exclusively arrange airport advertising through ASH's official vendor, TriStar Media. All advertisements purchased must be reviewed and approved by ASH prior to deployment. The use of any name, logo, or trademark of ASH in any exhibitor advertising is strictly prohibited without ASH’s advance written consent. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in immediate removal of the advertisement and enforcement of penalties as outlined in the "Violation" section of these rules and regulations. If you are interested in learning about airport advertising, please contact Nan Blunk at nblunk@tristarpub.com or 913-378-2457.